Sunday, January 1, 2012

~2012 之启动篇~

呼呼,好不容易挨过了2011。说真的,过去的一年好像过得不太好。也许我该相信运程,这样就不至于太难受。忙忙碌碌的过了一年,得到了什么吗?嗯...最值得开心的事情应该是拿到了奖学金,可以出国到Bali Island和台湾,还有家里换了辆新车吧!不如意的事情好像也蛮多的,可是不开心的事就不要再提了。过去的让它过去,新的一年会有新的开始!





  1. Reading blog and chatting with PhD frens alwiz gimme a thought- whether my insist on pursuing post-grad is of the truth path, nobody holds any ans.. Research route is always shrouded by clouds, that's why we called it "novel finding" whn we finally yield results. believe in urself and if you thnk that's da road, strive with all yr might. Working life is routine but like the saying "grass on the other side is greener", we often live in a situation where it's merely 你看我风光,我看你精彩.. Happy 2012, may this year be a better year for u and me and for everyone else.

    Desperado sounds too desperate... LOL.. we can still enjoy life w/o da significant others, time still hvn't come...=)

  2. Yeah yeah~ cheers! ^^ Believe in yourself too! Happy New Year~
